Goal. It is a short little word with a whole lot of weight. Sometimes our goals are simple and we can quickly achieve them. Sometimes our goals are complex and they stay on our literal or figurative vision boards for years. 

Goals help motivate us to make change. They provide direction in our lives. They allow us to live with intention. Goals can provide a sense of peace, well being, order. They can provide clarity. 

What is a goal that has been on your list and you just haven’t gotten around to it? Take a moment. Take a deep breath. Consider that goal. 

1. What is a goal you would like to accomplish? 

2. How do you think you will feel when you have accomplished that goal? 3. When do you want to accomplish the goal by? 

One of the goals that I have for next year is to be more engaged on social media. This is something that does not come naturally to me. It feels uncomfortable. Over the past year I have dabbled in it. Posted things and deleted them. Thought a reel looked amazing and then watched it over and thought what was I thinking? 

I grew up in a world with phones with cords…dragging our phone across the house, into my bedroom, so I could have a private conversation. When I opened my first business I put ads in the classified section of the newspaper and put fliers up in coffee shops. Admittedly, I joined FB way after everyone else. I started texting long after it was cool and well, IG…does it surprise you that I was late to that game too? So, I have had to learn it from the ground up and consider myself a novice. 

Here is how I would answer the above questions. 

1. What is a goal you would like to accomplish? POST TO IG EVERY OTHER DAY FOR 30 DAYS. 

2. How do you think you will feel when you have accomplished that goal? LIKE I CONQUERED SOMETHING THAT I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT – FACED A FEAR! 

3. When do you want to accomplish the goal by? January 31, 2022 

Now, consider this…reframe things a bit by filling in the blanks – I have filled my own answers in as an illustration on how to complete this. 

What I really want is to (fill in your answer to #2): TO CONQUER SOMETHING I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT AND FACE A FEAR.

What I am willing to do to get there is (fill in your answer to #1). POST TO IG EVERY DAY FOR 30 DAYS. 

The amount of time I am willing to spend to accomplish this is (fill in your answer to #3): I AM WILLING TO SPEND SIX WEEKS ACCOMPLISHING THIS. 

Now, put it all together: 

What I really want is to conquer something I know nothing about and face a fear. I am willing to post to IG every other day for 30 days to get there. I am willing to spend six weeks to accomplish this. 

When you break your goals down in such a simple way it provides clarity and does not seem as overwhelming. 

Now, it’s your turn! What goals do you have? Do they feel exciting but overwhelming? Break them down like I did above. Want more help? Reach out to me to talk about how coaching can help you clarify what your goals are and move you toward accomplishing them.